Research surveys

We carry out various types of research and conduct surveys to improve the health and safety standards of construction companies and help prevent accidents.

Research and Surveys

Committees have been set up to carry out research and conduct surveys on construction health and safety issues. The members are chosen according to the research topic from experts, academics, those experienced in the field of construction, or current corporate managers. The outcomes of the research and surveys are reflected in safety construction policies for accident prevention, revision of safety work procedure manuals, textbooks for health and safety training, or in reference materials for health and safety management activities.

Major Themes for Research and Surveys

1.Safety measures for construction machinery

2.Occupational diseases prevention measures

3.Safety equipment and protective tools

4.Textbooks for health and safety training

Establishing a Construction Accident Prevention Execution Plan

  • Researches commissioned by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
  • Industrial accident data collection and analysis

Industrial Accident Statistics

JCOSHA compiles accident statistical data for the construction industry. Statistical tables or the like can be viewed retroactively, including the incidence of fatal accidents by prefecture and month, or the type of construction work, and the incidence of all accidents by type.

For statistics in all industries, visit the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s website, Shokuba no Anzen Site (Workplace Safety Website)!

Trends in the number of casualties and fatalities (from 2015)

2014 2015 2016
Number of casualties All industries


Construction industry


Number of fatalities All industries 1,057 972 928
Construction industry 377 327 294