Support and Instruction

To support safety management activities, Health Experts and Safety Experts are available at our headquarters and branches to provide instruction to construction sites on the technical aspects of industrial accident prevention.

What are Health Experts and Safety Experts?

The Industrial Accident Prevention Organization Act requires an occupational health and safety association to appoint Health Experts and Safety Experts as personnel to provide instruction and support for those technical matters concerning the prevention of industrial accidents.

(Industrial Accident Prevention Organization Act Article 12, Article 13 Paragraph 3, and Article 36 Paragraph 4)

Health Experts and Safety Experts carry out the following tasks:
  • On-site instruction: Visit individual construction sites to give instruction.
  • Group guidance and short course lecturer: Teach a short course and give instruction to the many participants.
  • Consultation service: Discuss the daily health and safety management activities of JCOSHA members.

Main Duties


During a consultation concerning any queries about everyday health and safety activities, they give expert advice.


In safety conventions and training hosted by business sites, councils, etc., they lecture on chosen themes.

On-site inspection

Health Experts and Safety Experts visit construction sites, etc. and give appropriate advice.

On-site inspection by a Safety Expert Photo1
On-site inspection by a Safety Expert Photo2